In Japan, people of all ages read manga or komikku コミック. (I'm sure you can work that one out!) They are cartoon story books tht are very popular here and now all over the world. They write Manga about all sorts of topics from action-adventure, romance, sports and games, comedy, in fact if you can write a story about it it can become a manga. Manga characters become very popular and some series have 30 to 40 different books about the characters. Many of the books then go on to become Anime (Animated movies... you can probably think of a few anime you have seen) Book shops in Japan are full of manga. I have never seen so many books, aisle after aisle of different comics. Of course you have to remember when you read your book you start from the back and read from right to left which can be a bit confusing!
Fukuoka bookshop
Everywhere I go at the moment I see posters advertising "One Piece" a very popular manga and anime. I think there may be a movie about to be released... check out the Promo below and see if you like the look of this manga character!
Manga artists are very talented, their characters are very expressive and they can tell interesting stories using very few words. The link below will tell you how to read manga, don't worry they have a very good english translation at the bottom of the page!
We thought that was lots of fun and we really enjoyed it...i think we are fluent in Japanese now....Lots of love from Room 1 :o)